SEKISUI products in the Medical business
SEKISUI products are part of our everyday life and come to live in many different areas. One of them is the medical sector. Medical solutions by SEKISUI contribute to the health of society by high quality diagnostics products and make our daily lives safer.

The Medical business of SEKISUI in Europe has been committed to helping improve the lives of people by providing innovative medical diagnostics to physicians and laboratories. To secure and enhance society’s health, the Medical business has a wide history of innovations and invests constantly in new diagnostic products in the areas of diabetes, infectious disease, coagulation, diagnostic enzymes and automated systems.
Additionally, SEKISUI has a leading position as a provider of rapid tests and molecular point-of-care systems in the US and high throughout coagulation systems in Japan.
Have a look at our animation to get an overview of some areas our Medical products are used in: